[D08] Preview: Demo Features


Closing In

The demo release inches closer and closer! Let’s have a look at some key features that will be part of the package. Some of these are player abilities that you'll get to unlock through progress, others are interactive objects scattered throughout the corridors of the mighty Desert Temple.

👉 New to the party? Check out our First Devlog (from 100 days ago, welp).

But now, curtains up for the insidious Explosive Needles, the brutal Blast Shot and the terrifying Frenzy State.

Explosive Needles

The Explosive Needles mechanic constitutes the backbone of our combat gameplay. Rather than simply straight up shooting and killing your enemies, you tag the lizards with your needles. There won’t be much effect of it at first. But, if you manage to hit the active reload bar at the right time, your needles explode and send foes flying.

However, you can only do that when you're empty and if you wait too long, it'll reload automatically, but without the explosion. The Explosive Needles add a dimension of timing to the struggles of crowd control, rendering it more challenging and more fun.

Blast Shot

Do not worry though, whenever you feel pressured and overrun by masses of lizards the Explosive Needles are not the only tool to rely on. If you gotta make yourself some space the Blast Shot comes to the rescue.

Besides dealing damage with an area effect, it knocks back the nearest couple of enemies and gives you a (greatly needed) brief moment to catch your breath during the fights. You have to charge it up at first though, but even then it provides some protection.

Charging will make raise your arms, which then negate some damage, coming at you from the front.

Frenzy State

Enter Frenzy State in a tight spot, to mow down the overwhelming lizard hoard and stay alive.

Every time you make your needles explode (through a successful active reload), you gather Frenzy Charges. Collecting Frenzy Charge pickups has the same effect. With enough Charges, you may enter the Frenzy State, which, for a period of time, gives your needles an immediate deadly impact.

And More!

Apart from player abilities, many interactive objects will be part of the demo.

Here's a selection of feature videos:

Explosive Plants let you blow up nearby enemies or walls, to unlock secret rooms with juicy pickups.

Oh, and please make sure to stay out of the explosion range. Enemies, particularly rolling Armadillo Lizards, can detonate the plants too.

Remote Gates require you to find and press a pressure plate or clear the entire area from enemies before they automatically open up.

Keyhole Gates require you to collect up to four keys, spread across your nearby level surroundings.

Fun Fact: Each of these videos is part of a tutorial popup that appears, whenever you discover something for the first time.


Only two weeks left, until the Demo is out! It's been a ride and there is still a formidable pile of things to take care of. But we are excited to share our work with you soon and finally collect some external feedback - no matter whether it's appraisal or a roast.

See you next week, with a next update. Stay hydrated!


Oh, wait! Here's a sneak peek of our reworked Dragon Lizard.

CACTUS Dragon Lizard Graphics Update

It now features a more beasty look, complete with emissive parts on the material. As a matter of fact, it's belly now glows rhythmically as it disgorges a fire ball. And with that, all our lizards have been upgraded to the new visual look.

👉 If you feel like reading more, check out this Deep Dive.

Now for real: have a great week!

Free Demo

We will release a free demo in Q1 2023, so stay tuned.

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